Putting People Back in Control of their Health 

Bootcamps & Health Kicks 

Jim announced he was doing a January fitness course for BNI members, at first I thought what a load of rubbish and I wouldn't do that! Jim would say in denial........ 
But I thought about it and more people put their names down; so, I thought why not give it a go and I am glad that I did. 
We met at Moor Hall for our first session, this is where I started to buy in and get motivated. it helped that 2 people in ithe room had already made such improvements to their weight that gave me the motivation to give it a proper go. 
I followed the 2 week detox diet, well almost, and lost nearly a sone in 2 weeks. 
After 4 weeks i have now lost 1stone and 4lbs. now it is time to lose even more lbs and buy some new clothes. 
A massive thanks to Jim and JT Ethos for helping me to lose weight and get more energy back. 
For more information on Tim's story check out his video on out You Tube channel. 
Tim Hammond – Managing Director 
** Disclaimer: Results may vary from one person to another.