Health Transformations

After being hit from behind in a road accident in November and a same again subsequent one in June, 18 months later my neck, shoulder, back and leg problems were getting worse and not better. These had caused serious problems at work and I was unable to complete simple chores around the house. I was at an all time personal low. I had been passed around by the NHS and discharged from physiotherapists despite my problems remaining unfixed.
I had been sent to a pain management centre who instead of trying to fix my problems, were merely trying to get me to accept the pain I was enduring daily. A hospital specialist was set to operate on my shoulder. When I met Jim I told him my goals were simply to return to work (I was on unpaid sickness at the time) and return to the normal life of a 27 year old, as I was so limited with my mobility my 80 year old grandparents were more active than me. To be honest I was very sceptical when I met Jim, I didn’t see how he could succeed where the other medical opinions had failed.
I started seeing Jim in November and now, May I feel a complete different person. Jim fixed my neck, shoulder, back and leg problems. My shoulder that was due to be operated on, no longer required surgery. My surgeon said “you are very lucky to find this man, ’ when I showed him my movement following the Atlas correction Jim had performed. He got the MRI scans out, looked at them and laughed, saying the MRI’s don’t lie. He said lets see if you still feel like that in two months, my next appointment he was astounded with my progress and discharged me again reiterating I had been very lucky finding this therapy.
I returned to work in March, went on holiday in May and went walking, swimming and cycling. Unimaginable at the end of last year. Had I not been introduced to Jim I dread to think where I would be now pain, mentally or financially. Had I lost my job, then house and car etc would have been lost adding further pressures to my fragile state.
A bit of an update with me, really happy, I'm 15st 13 this morning and that's a lot healthier than when I was just under that weight when was struggling after the cancer. This time it's having cut out a lot of the crap. So your flyer is out of date I make it 1 maybe 2lb off 4 stone!???
Food and drink - I've rarely drank over last 3 months... feel so better for it. Eating wise - probably been never so on it. No gluten/ dairy - it's a way of life now AND I've cut out a lot of the naughty snacks!!
Exercise-wise - cut down on the running, not everyday! I still go 2 times a week 3 tops, less distance. I play squash again!!!!! Ok this one I think you're have alarm bells about but I hadn't played since the crashes and for the first time it felt right! First time I played ... it didn't feel right after- I could barely walk but I've made a few changes and now it's all cool ! - for me this is quite an achievement- I really didn't think I'd ever play again. I play table tennis at work every day... didn't think I'd play that like I used to with all the reactive moves and forehand smashes, this has been really good for me. I do a bit of swimming and I've started popping to the gym a bit again too in the last few weeks - and this is what I need to do more of!
All in all ... I've tried to carry on all the good I've learnt and basically I've got my life back!! I still have niggles, I don't get worried by them and have confidence the body now fixes itself and when it doesn't I know who to call!! What I'm doing and done I really wouldn't have dreamed of!
Andy – Online Executive (27)
** Disclaimer: Results may vary from one person to another.

I came to Jim in 2014 after becoming dispirited with mainstream personal training and nursing lower back pain. Very quickly the pain was dealt with, followed by restored faith that there are practitioners out there that treat the whole person. What has followed is a long standing unexpected relationship that has focussed as much on personal growth as fitness and weight loss goals.
In the last four years I have dipped in and out of JT Ethos and used the services in a variety of ways. Currently we are working on a knee injury to rehabilitate me back to running - but as is often the case it is not limited to just that. I’ve found myself wanting to learn more about core conditioning and am learning as well as doing - whilst being coached by Jim also.
It’s very hard to explain what Jim does as it does not lend itself to a particular title. I would certainly direct anyone struggling with injury or fitness goals. The great thing about Jim is that whilst having an immense knowledge he also knows his limits and so will signpost elsewhere if he cannot meet your needs. He’s interested in making things better - and running a business, but the second doesn’t come at the expense of the first.
But I would also send anyone looking for more help with other goals. He has a capacity for breaking down the information you give him and very simply stating why things might not be happening for you. He is challenging, but in the right way and should I ever finally be published his name should probably be at the top of the credits! There is an honesty and integrity that allows for some very difficult things to be addressed and whilst he often could, he does resist the urge to wear a t shirt saying ‘I told you so’.
We’ve tried things that haven’t worked. I have to say I have learnt that’s because I haven’t been ready for them. We’ve then scaled things back and found other solutions.
Jim is not a quick fix - because they never work. Jim is about long term sustainable solutions that improve your life.
Amanda (46)
** Disclaimer: Results may vary from one person to another.

Today I found myself dancing around the kitchen, alone. It has been a long time since I have done this.
I’ve been working with Jim for almost 3 months and can feel myself returning to ‘normal’. After years of battling with constant tiredness and a general feeling of “bleugh”, I am starting to feel the clouds lifting.
I was hesitant to work with Jim, he looks so sporty and I am allergic to exercise, but it has been an education. Jim has made me step out of my comfort zone, and noe of it involved exercise! (so far).
A regular phrase in my house is “Jim says I have to…”. I need to be pushed when it comes to looking after myself. Jim uses just the right amount of encouragement to motivate me.
Jim’s holistic approach to the human body is a breath of fresh air. I know that I have a long way to go untilI am completely better, but the first stage has been great and I recommend anyone to speak to Jim and let him create a programme around you.
Vicki - Company Director (46)
** Disclaimer: Results may vary from one person to another.